Migration Assistanceから文書ファイルのみをリストア
今回はTime Capsuleにとったバックアップを使用
- Docks -> enable Magnification
- Enable Spaces
- Security -> require password "5 min" after sleep
- Security -> disable Location Services/Remote control infrared receiver
- Security -> Firewall -> enable Firewall, enable stealth mode
- Keyboard -> set Key Repeat Rate fasteds, set Delay Until Repeat shortest, turn on Use all function keys, swap ctrl and caps lock
- Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> select the previous input source = command + space, spotlight検索= option+space
- Trackpad -> scrolling speed, tracking speed を少し早く。 dragging, tap to clickを有効
- Sharing -> change hostname
- Accounts -> advanced option -> login shellをzshに変更
- Date & Time -> Clock -> Check Use 24-hour clock, check show date and show the day of the week
Appstoreを起動しアプリケーションインストール (caffeine, Kindle)
Firefoxとアドオン, Chrome
Adium, Tweetdeck,Skype, Dropbox,Picasa
GarageBand, Facetimeなど使わないアプリを削除
Firefoxとアドオン, Chrome
Adium, Tweetdeck,Skype, Dropbox,Picasa
GarageBand, Facetimeなど使わないアプリを削除